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What's on 

On this page you will find a detailed timetable of services and events for  for the next few weeks and a separate calendar of what's on over the next few months.

Schedule of Events for the next few weeks
Festival dates


A calendar of jewish festivals can be found on our Festivals page  or you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Future events 

Future Events
Find out whats planned for the next few months

Message from our Events Coordinator


We warmly welcome any suggestions for social events everyone is invited to be involved…..

Would you like to join the Synagogue Management committee ? only 4 meeting per year….

Take a more active role in Services? 

Open the Ark, read a prayer in English or Hebrew…..

Celebrate with us a Birthday, Anniversary, Birth of a Grandchild, Academic Achievement…..

Prepare a Shabbat Kiddush…..

Assist with the Festival Parties &/or  Communal Seder…..

Suggest a Fundraising Activity for the Synagogue's Restoration…..

If so, please contact Jo - 07980 050456  (I love a Chat) or text Email


Religious and social occasions


At Chatham Memorial Synagogue, every religious occasion is also a social occasion. We have a Kiddush after every service (except Yom Kippur, of course!) where members, friends and visitors can socialise and enjoy a glass of wine or grape juice accompanied by light refreshments.


Of course if it is a Bar Mitzvah or other celebration then the Kiddush can be more sumptuous with fish balls, herrings and other Jewish delicacies.


In recent months we have introduced a Kiddush after the service on Friday evenings preceded by a rousing chorus of the traditional song Shalom Aleichem.


Chanukah and Purim are always the focus of the social calendar at Chatham Memorial Synagogue with a traditional tea and whenever possible, entertainment for the children. We had a Purim play in 2010 for the children of Jewish Kent and we hope to repeat this in the future. Similarly Simchat Torah has always been celebrated with great gusto though occasionally we combine it with Shabbat Bereshit.

We also hold a communal Seder at Passover on the second Seder night, when we usually enjoy the company of around 40 members and friends


Over the years, a number of concerts have been held in the synagogue which boasts excellent acoustics,. Details of some of these events can be found on our Concerts page.

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